Ru · En
A fairy tale is not just a magic story or a door to a new reality, it is also a potion which cures and enchants
Illustration by Valeria Renne
Sigurd Petersson and
the Lighthouse
"Sig­urd Petersson and the Light­house" is a fairy tale in­spired by an­cient sagas, eth­nic tales of dif­fer­ent ori­gin, and won­der­ful nature of Ice­land. This story will doubt­less be fas­cin­at­ing read­ing not only for chil­dren of vari­ous ages and their par­ents, but also for every­one who ad­ores ma­gic­al tales, which of course are nev­er quite as straight­for­ward as one ex­pects.
Coming Soon
Tales and Poetry

Tales of foxes and dragons, legends of witches, journeys into the depths of the oceans and stories about finding oneself and the value of life.

Support the Project

Cre­at­ing this story is a great pleas­ure for us and no money or suc­cess can be com­pared to the feel­ings we are ex­per­i­en­cing right now. But to make this story avail­able for every­one, we need your help! We need fin­an­cial re­sources in or­der to pub­lish, pro­mote and sell our book. We also need your help to speed up the pro­cess and fin­ish this book in time, so that you can get it by Christ­mas 2024.
For Publishers
I am open to collaboration with the publishers. If you are interested in my projects, drop me a line: